Process Mills: Jar Mills, Ball Mills, Pebble Mill, Vibratory Grinding Mills
The milling process has been used for thousands of years. We sell modern variations on this process. Jar Mills or Jar Mill Rollers are typically lab scale versions which allow small containers of ceramic, steel, rubber or plastic to be rolled on a horizontal roller apparatus. These rollers can be table top or multiple tier designs to accommodate one or several jars or containers. Media, balls or cylinders are used inside the containers to grind, disperse, impact, mix and mill the material to be processed.
Ball Mills, generally unlined, steel mills and Pebble Mills, generally lined mills of porcelain, rubber, plastic, etc. are larger versions of these apparatus.
Vibratory Mills utilize a bowl or cylindrical chamber that moves the media against the material by means of vibrating action. Vibratory Mills can be urethane lined, stainless steel or steel.
Powder Presses
Powder Compacting Presses
Rotary Tablet Presses
Isostatic Presses and Pump Systems
Piston Extrusion Presses and Pugmills
Process Blenders
Twin Shell, Vee, Double Cone
Turbulas and Drum Tumblers
Ribbon and Paddle
Process Mixers
Double Planetary & Change Can
Sigma Blade, Double Arm, Mixtruders
Intensive, High Intensity, Mullers
Disperser and Tank Mixers
Process Mills
Jar, Ball, Pebble and Vibratory Mills
Attritors, Media Mills, 2 & 3 Roll Mills
Crushers, Pulverizers, Size Reduction
Screeners, Sifters, Sieve Shakers
Motors and Variable Speed Drives
Facility Equipment & Miscellaneous
Powder Press Parts
Stokes R4 526 Press Parts
Baldwin Defiance Model 20 Press Parts
Some of the mills we buy and sell are as follows:
U.S. Stoneware Jar Rollers; U.S. Stoneware Jar Rolling Mills; U.S. Stoneware Norton Jars and Mill Jars; U.S. Stoneware Pebble Mills and Ball Mills; U.S. Stoneware Grinding Jars; Norton Ball Mills and Pebble Mills; Norton Jar Rollers and Jar Rolling Mills; U.S. Stoneware Norton Porcelain Jars; Paul O. Abbe Jar Rollers; Paul O. Abbe Jars and Mill Jars; Paul O. Abbe Pebble Mills and Ball Mills; Patterson Pebble Mills and Ball Mills; Stevenson Pebble Mills and Ball Mills; Dorst Pebble Mills; Netzsch Pebble Mills; Abbe Pebble Mills and Ball Mills; Crossley Pebble Mills and Ball Mills; Sweco Vibratory Grinding Mills, Wet and Dry, Model M-18, M-45; Palla Mills